Christmas WeCare Mission

christmas fun

Winter holidays remind us about kindness, joy and the importance of giving. Therefore, as part of our culture, every year, we tend to unify all our resources and efforts towards a special cause.

This year, we continued our partnership with The Moldova Project and decided to make 200 less fortunate children, happier on Christmas Eve.

Most of these children rarely have the chance to take part in fun activities and most of them have never left their villages before.

workshop with children

Our plan was to collect the necessary money, so we could cover 2 days of fun activities for these children.

Besides daily fundraising, we organized 3 days of handmade workshops with kids from villages. We crafted Christmas decorations and got to know better the little ones and their stories.

The decorations turned out to be perfect holidays gifts, so during an in-house Xmas Fair, we sold them, along with goodies cooked by our talented colleagues.

All our efforts resulted in 3.000 euro, money that was spent on all the necessary organisational logistics to make 2 days at Tekwill memorable for 200 children.

We are grateful, we managed to overachieve our target and bring some joy and happy memories to the little ones.

PCDev Travodevents, wecare