A Travodian Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year 😊

At Travod, we dedicate the month of December to company bonding, spirit-building, sharing, and caring about others.

This year, the Travod holiday season started with a bang - meaning we moved to a brand new office. The office relocation was a huge undertaking that involved a lot of work, planning, and patience, but the effort was worth it.


And there can’t be holiday spirit, without some handmade crafted Xmas Decorations. During the Painting on Canvas event, we unlocked our creative sides and got inspired to activate our inner artists and create some beautiful paintings to brighten up our new office! [HERE] is a video with our main highlights 🎄


Christmas is supposed to be a happy time, so we make it a point to include activities that also sharpen our knowledge of each other as well as the company. That is why we delivered the EVP Development Workshop where we worked together in defining our Employee Value Proposition and highlighting our current strengths and future aspirations as a company.

workshop, training, evp

ShoeBox Project

On another note, one of our most inspiring events this month was the WeCare mission . In collaboration with The Moldova Project, our Travodians put their entire hearts into bringing joy and happiness to 55 kids for Christmas.


To unwind, we hosted an Online Storytelling event with our remote colleagues.

Having colleagues all over the world, means we are rich in traditions and ways of celebrating Xmas. Canada with lots of snow, and Colombia with the hottest time of the year, UK, Poland or Moldova, the differences are considerable, but it was nice to discover similarities, especially on the Xmas table.


We like to challenge ourselves and engage our competitive spirit, which is why we launched the X-Mas Challenge Marathon. We had our most creative and active employees share their photos, videos and stories of their X-Mas trees, treats, and kids or pets on X-Mas.


We know Santa exists, and we can be Santa, too! 😊 We are inspired by giving and having the possibility of bringing joy to our colleagues. Each participant tried his best in the Santa role by preparing well-thought-out and beautifully wrapped gifts. We ended the evening with another intriguing moment- Mafia Night.

And of course, we needed to wrap the year up, so we got to see all the teams during our online All Hands Meeting, where we shared accomplishments, rewarded high-achievers and looked into our goals for next year!

all hands
secret santa, work, corporate
PCDev Travod