Hire Smart People and Get Out of Their Way

travod teambuilding

Letter from Elena Grigoras, CEO Travod


Bright people should join companies, where their talent is appreciated and proactivity and creativity is valued. The environment should support their development and not limit their aspirations.

During 6 years at Travod, we have been surrounding ourselves with smart and loyal colleagues, with a strong belief in our mission to create a company that attracts and grows A-Players.

For us, an A-Player means:

  • Passion and integrity;

  • High emotional need to succeed;

  • Eager to learn and humble to ask for coaching;

  • Team spirit

I had the chance to taste the american working environment, where I learnt that employees are stimulated when they overcome themselves, learn new skills, and not fear their supervisors. The team members should inspire you, guide and motivate to reach new milestones. There is no space for envy, gossips or unfair competition. 


Smart people love being tested, challenged and held accountable for their results. They don’t need to be externally motivated or begged to do their job. 

As part of the management board, we learnt to recruit people who are smarter than us, who don’t need long lists of rules and indications to do their job. We give them the necessary resources and environment, so they have the freedom to perform at their best. Smart people will come earlier in the morning and leave later than others, because they are the job owners and their thirst for novelty never ends.

Some leaders are afraid to hire smarter people, who might ask too many questions, come with better ideas or doubt their work processes. This selfish approach will never help the business grow and expand.

Coordinating 120+ people makes it hard to get to know better and explore each Travodian’s potential, but it always keeps me thinking, what we can do more to ensure his/her growth and prosperity in the company.

Hire smarter people and get out of their way. Let them risk, take challenges, make mistakes, learn and follow their inner voice.

Anna Voronina