Travodians on a Mission: the Back to School Project

Twice a year, we Travodians organize WeCare missions to make the world a better place. This edition, we teamed up with our beloved friends from “The Moldova Project” foundation and helped children from vulnerable families in Moldova start the new school year on the right foot. 

The beginning of the academic year is often emotional and full of excitement for many children and their parents, just like it should be. Yet, we can’t deny the fact that a lot of concerns appear in this period too, especially for the families that can’t afford all of the much needed school supplies. Unfortunately, the last school year showed us all how susceptible our educational systems are, highlighting that the ones who suffer the most in times of crisis are the ones that required most help from the very beginning. Even though the Moldavian children benefit from free education, this is not enough to ensure  them full access to learning and development.

That’s why we came together and made it possible. Regardless of the location or nationality, our colleagues proved that borders don’t really matter when children’s education is at stake. We’ve managed to collect all necessary school supplies from backpacks to notebooks and pens for 42 children from villages around Chisinau offering them the opportunity to have all that is needed for the beginning of the school year. 

At the end of this WeCare mission, we collected much more than items -  we collected smiles full of faith that this year will be a good one, a year filled with wonder,  knowledge and hopefully, outstanding results. 

We thank everyone involved and hope that all these happy faces will grow to be the change we want to see in the world.

PCDev Travod