Online Fun Marathon

Even though the current global situation made us shuffle our business model and remote work became our new reality for an indeterminate period, face-to-face team interaction and regular discussions are one of the main factors that our colleagues miss the most.

To boost overall employee morale in the company and connect closer with one another, we decided to launch an internal contest called Fun Marathon.

The Fun Marathon consisted of 3 contests, which aimed to help us get to know our colleagues better, find out interesting facts about one another, learn more about the company history and have some fun time online.

In the very 1st contest, our members engaged actively in guessing their colleagues behind mysterious cards. Some cards were easy to identify, others took some time, but in the end we rediscovered one another and took notes for future birthdays  gift ideas.😊

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The 2nd contest was focused on evaluating how well we know our company’s history and culture. Certainly, those who are longer with the company had the upper hand in identifying some of the company facts, yet the final results were surprising!

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Our prizes went to the first 3 colleagues, who scored the highest amount of points across all 3 contests. Their gifts were customized based on their preferences and passions.

We had some good fun and we can’t wait to organize similar marathons in the future..

PCDev Travod