A day in the life of a Business Development Manager

Ever wondered what a day in the life of a Business Development Manager truly looks like?

Meet Julie, a Business Development Manager who's rewriting the script on sales stereotypes.


Selling ice to Eskimos? Not in my playbook. Instead, I’m about understanding clients' needs, crafting tailored solutions, and building relationships that stand the test of time. Let’s look at the activities that fill my day : Expect the Unexpected! (and I love it!) Every day in the world of business development is a special adventure.


My day begins early with a dose of morning meditation and exercise to clear my mind and prepare for the day’s challenges. Of course, that’s accompanied by a great cup of coffee because, well, I’m not a superhero (or am I? 😉)

Mornings are when I pursue new and active business opportunities, virtual meetings, cold calls. I’m also crafting creative strategies to win over partnerships/prospects/clients projects. My energy is at its peak, and that’s when I’m at my best.

The afternoon is reserved for research, brainstorming, learning and strategy sessions. As the afternoon rolls on, I put on my LinkedIn wizard hat. Leave voice notes, and work on expanding my network.

At the end of the day, I take a moment to reflect on my achievements. Being a BDM is all about self-motivation, and this reflection is my way of encouraging my efforts.

The most satisfying part of my day
It’s the heartfelt joy of realizing how many ‘’yeses’’ and opened doors I’ve created, as well as the meaningful relationships I’ve built along the way. Exceeding target and landing great clients or deals provide the ultimate satisfaction that keeps me going and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Want to become a BDM? Explore our opportunities [HERE]
